It's only 10:30am and its already been quite the day. I have a ton of other stuff to be doing but I want to record days like these because I know I will miss them. I will miss them when they are all at school in a few short years, or all want or go out on Saturday nights with friends or I am waiting on my weekly phone call from my boys once they are away from home.
A little background, Chase's (free) school on the bus is 10:15 to 11:45. It was nice when Jacob was younger but the last few months that is right when his morning nap is. My friend, Erin, who lives a few houses down also sends her son there so for the last 2 1/2 months she's been taking Chase so I put Jacob down around 9:30. Well, she just moved so for the last 5 weeks of school I am on my own! I've been trying to push Jacob's nap and I figured if we went to the grocery store right when it opens that will keep him awake. So we I am getting Jacob dressed and Chase is dressing (who likes to dress himself by the way - very interesting) when I have to go to the bathroom right away (I still think I am adjusting to having my gall bladder out). Normally the boys are okay in their rooms so I run to the bathroom only to hear screaming a few minutes later. Its the scream where you can tell that someone is hurt. So I run to the room (not done having to go to the bathroom by the way) and I see Jacob with blood all over his face even in his eyes. I pick him up and take him back to the bathroom with me. I tried to get all the blood off with toilet paper but its all over me and him (yes I am finishing going to the bathroom - sorry for too much TMI). Chase eventually tells me that he hit him with a fire truck. I tell him to go to his room and I will deal with him later. It took about 1/2 hour to finish what I was doing - clean Jacob up, take off all the bloody clothes and soak them, then work with Chase. I wanted to explain that even though he was getting disciplined for hurting his brother it was good that he told the truth about what happened. Not sure if he got it or not.
This picture doesn't quite do it justice. It was a puncture wound and bled for over an hour. I had to keep changing out the band-aid. I still manage to make it to the store to get groceries (Chase even knocked over some baby food that broke in the aisle and got all over me - awesome!) and got Chase dropped off to school in time. I hustled back so Jacob could get the longest nap possible and he was playing/standing up in his crib for the first half hour. I know I am going to have to wake him up in just over an hour so it was stressing me that he won't fall asleep. He has 4 teeth breaking through and loves his new trick of standing up so sleeping has not been the best. He finally got to sleep a few minutes ago and I should be unloading groceries, unloading dishwasher, cleaning up from breakfast, switching out laundry, making our bed, etc. but I am just sitting here and it feels really good!
I know this morning is nothing out of the ordinary for all my young mom friends and I can't imagine in just over a month adding a third! But maybe it does explain why I haven't posted about Easter yet or Jacob turning 10 months :) Hoping to get to those soon.
Meanwhile, here's what Brad did on Monday. I'm sure I have no rights to post this picture but its all over Facebook.
Here's the caption from the base website...
F-15E Strike Eagles of the 4th Fighter Wing perform an "Elephant Walk" as they taxi down the runway during a Turkey Shoot training mission on Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C., April 16, 2012. The wing generated nearly 70 aircraft to destroy more than 1,000 targets on bombing ranges across the state to commemorate the 4th’s victory over the Luftwaffe on April 16, 1945.
Brad's actually not in the picture- as jet broke so he had to taxi back but he did participate in the Turkey Shoot.
Also, has anyone seen the list of things fighter pilot wives say that's circling around facebook? They are so funny and true! Brad and I got a kick out of reading them last night!
Happy Tuesday!