Saturday, August 28, 2010

Playing Around

Chase had a lot of fun playing with his cousins the last week we were there. We actually had a few days below 90 degrees so we took advantage of playing outside those days.

Wiggle car races.

He started doing sumersaults while out in Kansas. He actually does them pretty well. Might have to look into gymnastics this winter.

Chase enjoys watching trucks and busses on the computer.

We just wished we lived closer to cousins!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Firestation Visit

After Manhattan, Chase and I headed down to stay with Brad's family for the rest of our visit. I am going to try to update in several short posts. The long ones stress me out and take forever. Brad's cousin Jim is a firefighter so we asked if we could come visit since Chase is obsessed with anything transportation. He was a little intimidated at first but then loved it!

Chase and his cousin Addi.
Getting to spray water.

Thanks Jim for letting us stop by!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Little Apple

After my grandparents house and visiting friends in Kansas City, my next stop was Manhattan. Fond memories here of when I went to KSU. My brother Stevenis working on his PHD there so I asked if I could spend a couple days with him and his wife, Melissa. We had so much fun!

The splash park

What do we do on a 100 degree day - have a fire and make smores!

Checked out the zoo.
Had to wait out a thunderstorm. It doesn't look like its raining much in this picture...
but here you could tell we got some rain!

The next day we headed out to the lake with Melissa's family. Chase was so good in the water and we even got him to jump off the diving board by himself.

Steven likes watching golf and tried to get Chase interested. After studying it on TV for a while we figured we better try it ourselves. Let me just say I'm glad no one else was there and that we didn't pay!

Watching it on TV. Clapping along with everyone else.
One thing I wanted to do was walk around campus. I can just see myself 16 years from now moving Chase into his dorm.
What the parking garage looks like across from the union. One of the new additions.

Thanks Uncle Steven and Aunt Melissa for a great weekend! You can also check out their blog for more pictures.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Catching up with friends...

Chase has done so well meeting several of our friends (pre college, college and military). I think he enjoys playing with all the new toys!