Friday, June 04, 2010


I left my camera card in the computer so the only pictures we got in London were from Tara's iphone. They are out of order and I don't feel like putting them in order. So randomly here is our day in London...

Stopping to eat a Ben's cookie for Brad and Kristine. They were awesome!

We let the boys run around covenant garden. They were so cute trying to figue out why the music was coming from the speaker even though the guy was playing a few feet away.

There was a protest about what is going on in the Gaza Strip. Tara of course wanted to be apart of it!

We thought we would do a picnic for lunch - easier with the boys. Well of course they both run away in opposite directions so we were eating on the run. At least we weren't bothering other people if we had gone to a restaurant.

Chipotle in London!! I was so excited to go. They forgot our chips and it tasted a little different but was so excited to have a burrito the size of my arm!
We finally figured out our system for riding the tube with our stroller. My arms were sore that day from carrying the stroller up and down all those steps.

Thanks Tara for being brave enough to go to London with 2 toddlers!

1 comment:

Brad said...

Ben's Cookies and Chipotle in the same day.....that would be my dream come true!