Monday, December 20, 2010

Stand off

In an effort to keep things real on this blog I wanted to post about our incident this afternoon. In my mind it was just too funny! After running errands on base Chase wanted me to carry him inside. Well my hands were full of groceries and mail so I told him he had to walk. If you can tell it is not that far but that was not the answer he wanted. I finally got him inside the gate and the stand off began. I would help him walk (put my hand under his armpit) but he would break free and go right back to that spot. Both next door neighbors commented on his stubbornness. I finally got a book and sat right inside the house encouraging to come join me. Seriously it was probably half an hour.

  I guess we reached a compromise. I "helped" him inside then I held him on the couch for a while. It was close to naptime. If it was warm outside though- game on!
The only thing I regret is not going out to put a hat on him - he had it on earlier. Seriously is his world going to be rocked in June or what?!?!

I intend to get a post out soon about the birthday boy last week. So check back soon!


Anonymous said...

He definitely needs a hat:) Grandmom from MD

The Korsmo's said...

Janell, I am laughing!! Way to be consistent..I would have done the same thing...and if his head was too cold; he would have come inside :) haha!

Mom and Dad Caywood said...

Way to be consistent! Am sure that he'll think twice before doing it again - he's a smart kid, you know! :0)

Texas Bucks said...

hahahahaha!! that is hilarious! way to stay strong!

Sara said...

This cracked me up...I feel your pain! Little boys can be SO stubborn! :)