Monday, January 26, 2009

Grandmom's Visit

We had a wonderful 8 days with Grandmom. We are so glad she could visit and help us out. Here are some pictures from our week.

I love it that mom does things different than me and it gives me new things to try with Chase. He really started sitting up the week she was here so she had him sitting up in the tub. I brought out his toys awhile ago and he wasn't interested but she tried them again and he really liked them!

He rolled from his back to his tummy for the first time. He had his arm pinned under his body for a while but finally got it out. He still doesn't really like tummy time so I am not sure he will be trying to roll again!

We decided to be bold and go to my favorite restaurant while she was here. He actually did really well. We made sure to eat quickly!

Mom gave him a lemon. I waited with my camera for the "face" that most kids get when they try lemons but he liked it!

In Cambridge.

I had to get a picture of them in their matching blue fleeces. Chase warmed up quickly to grandmom and wasn't too clingy to me! It made me even more excited to have him meet the rest of our families. 5 weeks!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Over 1 Stone

We had Chase's 6 month appointment this morning and he weighed 15lbs 1 oz. They go by stones here, one stone is 14 pounds, so he is over 1 stone! He stayed on the growth chart - he is just in the 5th percentile. We will still have another weight check in a couple months to be sure he is still growing. He had to get shots again which he doesn't like so I stopped by the thrift store to pick up a new toy. I think that is a good reward!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Grandmom's Here!

My mom came in yesterday and is here for 8 days! She's been busy with Chase and Wagner and cleaning and I've been busy going to movies and sleeping in!

She's really been working on Chase sitting up and he goes for awhile before falling over. No luck on taking a bottle yet but she isn't giving up!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas Card Count

I think I have recieved most cards this season (maybe one or two stragglers). I sent out about 150 and got 80. Not bad! That doesn't include a couple people who told me they didn't send any out this year so I shouldn't get my feelings hurt! I also got about 6 email letters which I know saves money and paper but it just isn't as fun! Cards came from 24 different states and 5 countries. I took down all the cards today and moved the pictures to the fridge so I can enjoy them a little longer!

Friday, January 09, 2009

6 Months

Like most kids at his age - Chase loves paper. I couldn't get him to sit still for his pictures. Hard to believe he is half a year. Time does go fast!

I finally had to set the sign out of reach!

We are working on him sitting up now. I still have to be right behind him. He still rolls from his front to his back but that is about it. I am in no hurry for him to be mobile. He loves his exersaucer and is more interactive with toys. You can see in the background of this picture how well I've trained Wagner to not lay on Chase's blankets. Ha!
I've seen on some people's blogs a collage of several pictures in one picture - could someone tell me how to do that? Do I need a program? I think this would have been cute to have all the pictures like that.

Monday, January 05, 2009


Someone just recently asked if it snowed here. I guess it doesn't often but we got a little bit this morning. It just started coming down when Brad left for work this morning at 2am. By the time Chase and I got up - everything was white!

I bundled Chase up and headed outside for a few minutes.

I think Wagner enjoyed it the most.

I am so blessed to be able to stay home with Chase but he is really turning into a mommas boy. Just this weekend he has started putting his arms out for me to hold him if Brad has him. I didn't think it would happen this early! I know it is going to get worse these next couple months!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

Hard to believe 2008 is over. It was a great year for us with moving overseas and welcoming Chase into the world! We are excited for 2009 and the adventures it will bring. We are just hoping these next few days go reallllly slow! We brought in the New Year with friends, food, football and a fierce game of hearts!

William and Chase

Us girls with our boys!
Brad, wake up it's only 9pm! The "Love Sack" sucks you in!Chase woke up about 11:45pm - he didn't want to miss anything!

The champagne exploded!