I almost skipped this month because I am so late but figured I might regret it when I go back to look and compare pictures. I am lucky to get one good shot a month. Why didn't I think of those stickers that say the month that you put on a onesie or t-shirt. So brilliant!
Jacob just had his third tooth break through. He loves eating solids and makes a mess every meal. So glad we have Wagner back for this stage. He helps with the clean up! He is still doing the army crawl but can get places pretty quickly. He would rather play with a cord than a baby toy any day. He is pretty much in 18 month clothes. I don't really have warm weather 18 month clothes so I've been on the hunt for those. Since we have already had several days in the 80's I figured I better get some. He is pretty much sleeping through the night he just likes getting up early so I am working on pushing it back. I know the time is coming close when he will share a room with Chase so I am trying to prepare all of us for that!
Jacob is starting to "love" on Wagner as well.
We've been working on Chase writing his name as I think they are working on that in school. He came home with a sticker and said he got it because he wrote his name. He definitely seems to prefer his left hand and I still can't get him to hold the pen correctly. Something we get to work on this summer. I got him enrolled in a preschool for next year and I hope he will go to the half day Kindergarten there as well. Growing up so fast!!