Saturday, March 24, 2012

9 Months (a little late)

I almost skipped this month because I am so late but figured I might regret it when I go back to look and compare pictures.  I am lucky to get one good shot a month. Why didn't I think of those stickers that say the month that you put on a onesie or t-shirt. So brilliant! 

Jacob just had his third tooth break through. He loves eating solids and makes a mess every meal. So glad we have Wagner back for this stage. He helps with the clean up! He is still doing the army crawl but can get places pretty quickly. He would rather play with a cord than a baby toy any day. He is pretty much in 18 month clothes. I don't really have warm weather 18 month clothes so I've been on the hunt for those. Since we have already had several days in the 80's I figured I better get some. He is pretty much sleeping through the night he just likes getting up early so I am working on pushing it back. I know the time is coming close when he will share a room with Chase so I am trying to prepare all of us for that!

Jacob is starting to "love" on Wagner as well. 

We've been working on Chase writing his name as I think they are working on that in school. He came home with a sticker and said he got it because he wrote his name. He definitely seems to prefer his left hand and I still can't get him to hold the pen correctly. Something we get to work on this summer. I got him enrolled in a preschool for next year and I hope he will go to the half day Kindergarten there as well. Growing up so fast!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Weekend Away

After Brad's business trip to Vegas we headed out to western NC. Brad was going to the Nascar Race in Bristol. We stayed at a friends cabin outside Boone. It was beautiful! There is just something about being in the mountains that is good for the soul. Good friends were able to go with us so the big boys headed off to the race while us girls and little boys stayed back at the cabin. I didn't get many pictures, taking care of a squirmy baby and busy toddler while being 7 months pregnant doesn't leave a lot of time for picture taking. Brad was able to get a few at the race.

 Meeting up with 2 other guys from the squadron. Isn't it scary that they look like they fit in :)

 The boys eating pancakes before going hiking.

A family picture on the porch.

I have a few pictures on cell phones - maybe I will have pt. 2 of this post but no promises!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

March Madness

Ready to cheer on the Cats! Go KSU!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Keeping Busy!

I had a feeling I couldn't keep up with my pictures. We have some great friends here and have been keeping super busy. We've hardly eaten a meal by ourselves! 

We've learned that we can only play Candy Land when Jacob is sleeping. He is pretty much on the go now and loves cords and the stuff we are trying to play. He's messed up several of my train tracks :) I have to be careful of what I say because I know Chase is listening! Here's a picture of me trying to keep him off Candy Land.

 We went bowling the other day with friends. The kids were doing great and having so much fun. At "level" 8 though there was too many little feet in one spot and my friend's boy fell and got a pretty good cut on his chin. They ended up having to go to the ER. Both boys realize they didn't get to finish their game and are asking to go back. Maybe when the daddies are here!

So excited he couldn't keep still!
We've had such a mild winter this year but now its almost getting hot. The thermostat inside is reading 77! The boys pretty much have to take a bath a day since we try to be outside a lot before it gets too hot! Also, I realize Jacob has turned 9 months a couple day ago. I should probably take some pictures to document. Hopefully I can get those up soon. Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 06, 2012


I love it when they boys play together. With Jacob feeding himself more and more we often go straight from the high chair to the bath. Chase always wants to join. That lasts for a few minutes. Chase then asks for Jacob to be all done so he can have big water! 

Today was nice day unlike the past few so we took advantage and went to the park in our neighborhood. Its a small park but its closer. Thankfully friends joined us so Chase ran around with his buddy. Otherwise we get bored pretty quickly.

Well its 8:20pm and I better get ready for bed. Both boys were up several times last night and up early this morning. If I don't catch up on sleep tonight I will be one tired mama!

Monday, March 05, 2012

My Days in Pictures

I'm not a big writer so I always feel like pictures tell the better story. I thought about doing a picture a day for the next couple weeks but then I figure nothing interesting will happen. Again sorry for the iphone quality. It seems like the only thing I can grab quickly these days. 

Chase normally takes a "rest" in the afternoon. He normally comes out several times and makes a mess that we have to clean up before he can watch Mickey Mouse. Yesterday we were heading somewhere right after nap so I didn't go to his room until time for bed. This is what I opened the door to. Every single puzzle piece is out. I was too tired to handle it last night so we made a path to his bed and called it good. It really wasn't too bad to clean up today. I wasn't really mad at all and I was going to discipline Chase but he offered up "Jacob did it." Seriously?! So we had a little lesson today on telling the truth. Already so manipulative!

This morning we were going to a playdate at a friends. I put Jacob in his crib with some toys and told Chase to play until I was done. While in the shower he came and asked me if I could put him in Jacob's bed. I told him I couldn't because I was in the shower and I don't want them in there together when I can't watch. After getting out of the shower I heard on the monitor lots of play. I snuck over to Jacobs room trying to catch a picture of them playing and this is what I saw....
Chase got the stool from the kitchen and climbed into the crib. I'm trying to tell myself its because they want to be together and will best buds one day and not because I said no and Chase always wants to do what I tell him he can't. Of course when I asked him to move the stool back, it was too heavy!

Saturday, March 03, 2012


Daddy's business trips are never fun but we do our best to keep busy. After dropping daddy off at work we had to get donuts to cheer us up! Well just Chase got one. Jacob doesn't get them yet and I was able to resist! Chase loves watching them being made. Jacob is just happy (even though he does not sleep - makes for a tired mommy). 

Not a good picture of Jacob but I like Chase in the background watching the donuts being made.

Chase doesn't like wearing hats so this is the best picture I could get. Of all the donut choices (sprinkles, chocolate, etc.) he wanted the original.