Thursday, April 29, 2010


Took a couple pictures this morning before taking Brad to work. Without disclosing too much info... thanks to all who are keeping us in your prayers. We are so grateful and feel the Lord's grace during this time.

Me and my summer buddy!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Horse or bike?

These girls were riding through our village today. I can just see them trying to decide what to play with their bike or horse.

Friday, April 23, 2010

They came back!

Like I mentioned in my last post, our friends came back to wait out the volcano ash with us! They got to Ireland the day before it errupted and when their flights on Monday and Wednesday got cancelled they took a ferry and 3 trains to get back here. This time around we just hung out and it was so fun! We took the kids to every park around our house and played outside and went on walks. The daddy's got to go golfing and last night we also took the kids bowling. Austin said last night that maybe their flight will get cancelled again. I don't think the parents were hoping that!

We might just have to make one more trip to Italy before we leave!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

More Visitors!

Some good friends that we were stationed with in Texas were planning a spring break trip to England and Ireland. We met up with them in London for day then they came to our house for 2 nights. It was great catching up! Sometimes I felt like the daddy's were little school girls and couldn't stop talking!

In London we did Tower of London and St. Paul's Cathedral.

Someone fell asleep on the tube ride home.

We took them to Cambridge and had to go punting. It is definitely the best way to see everything and hear about the different colleges.

All Chase wanted to do was touch the water. He was a determined little fellow. Again we give into him a lot more when other people are paying for something and don't want to hear a screaming child.
The kids had so much fun playing with each other!

On Wednesday we went to the market in Bury and had to stop and get some tea and scones. Maddi was so cute trying it!

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Volcano

So by now I assume you've heard that a volcano erupted last Wednesday night in Iceland. That means we have some friends here for a few extra days while their parents and doing everything they can to get back! The sunsets have been a little more orange but other than that I would have never known. Brad hasn't been able to fly but somehow they find ton of work to stay busy. It also looks like our friends that were just here are coming back for a little bit until they can get a flight home. So I am super excited about that! I do feel sorry for everyone that is affected by it. I think my friend's facebook status update says it best "the volcano is a poopyhead."

Friday, April 16, 2010

Yorkshire Dales

With my parents we went up to the Yorkshire Dales for 2 nights. We didn't have the best weather. At one point we were praying the fog would lift so we could see the area! It is always nice to see new parts of England.

The boys dropped us off so we could give Chase a nap and they went off exploring. I guess one of them will have to fill you in on the next few pictures.

We stopped at Sherwood Forrest on the way home for a quick walk. Here we are with Major Oak.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I originally had this post as Bath and Windsor but we didn't have our camera at Bath and I can't find where I put my parents pictures on my computer. After going to church in Bristol we headed to Windsor with all 8 of us. We walked around for a bit and ate then dropped the Kauflins off at a hotel so they could catch a flight the next day. It was sad saying goodbye but I know we will see them again this summer.

My mom trying to get the guard to let us walk around inside. It didn't work.

Friday, April 09, 2010


I am a little out of order but wanted to get the Easter pictures up. It was so nice to have my parents here. It was their last day here so we just spent most of the day at home after church.

Before church, however, we headed up to the Abbey Gardens to check out the ruins...
and to watch Chase chase the ducks!
I am so jealous of pictures where the girls were in sundresses. It was freezing!!

An attempt at a family picture.

When Chase got up from his nap we did an easter egg hunt with him. He picked it up so quick and loved it!

Checking out the goodies.
We filled the eggs with cheerios, raisins, fruit snacks and just a couple pieces of candy so I didn't mind if he sat there and ate everything. Learning self control in the next few years might prove to be a challenge.
Chase also got the Veggies Tales Easter DVD from my parents and we gave him the Jesus Storybook Bible. I think that might be our new tradition giving Chase a book every year. We had a lot of fun eating and hunting eggs but we never want Chase (or us) to lose sight of the fact that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again so that we may have new life in him and that is why we celebrate.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

More England Pictures

A couple more pictures from our week with the Kauflins....

We stopped by the cemetary where John Owen, John Buynan and Isaac Watts.
One attempt at a group picture...

Warwick Castle

We thought the creeks running under the house was pretty cool.
Brad found these cookies in Oxford and became obsessed. Kristine and Brad kept their eye out for other Ben's in England.

Eagle and Child Pub where J.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis would have a pint.
After Oxford, they took a train to go visit Kristine's brother and sister-in-law who are doing a teaching exchange here. We would pick up my parents and meet up with them again in Bath....