Thursday, March 20, 2008

Baby Update: Week 26

So according to the baby ticker we in double digits - where is the time going? Here is an updated belly picture...
I know its not the best but I didn't feel like changing out of my K-State t-shirt! Go Cats by the way! I still feel great - we are just trying to get everything in order for the move. If I haven't said it before having the due date and report no later than date be 3 days apart is not ideal for an overseas move!!

Onto the question we get all the time - the name. Here is an example of why there is no name yet:

Me: How about Ryder (I like Ryan but this is a newer version)?
Him: What - are we going to name our next son U-Haul?
Me: Fine, what do you suggest?
Him: How about William Robert?
Me: That's not too bad, I like using William since its your middle name.
Him: Good I am going to call him Billy Bob.
Me: No!

Can you see the mustache??? I hear they can shave it soon!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Mustache March

Had to delete that last post, had too many "warning" comments. If anyone hasn't heard about our assignment just call or email! My better half is hesistant with a blog anyway so I have to be careful.

Anyways, we have been busy trying to get ready for the move - talking to the doctor (as of now he says he will let me fly over at 35 wks!), getting paperwork filled out, getting the car ready to sell, figuring out what to ship over early and stuff like that. It can be a little overwhelming but it will work out.

It is also that wonderful time of year when all the guys try to grow a mustache. The squadrons he has been apart of have never participated in this tradition but this year he gets to. It took a while for you to tell he had one but it is coming along. We went to the grocery store and he put on a 07 Jack Daniels hat - he was looking like a typical Nascar fan! I will try to post a picture before the month is over!

Not much going on in pregnancy news. The baby is kicking more and we are both growing. Even though I am excited for him to get here, I am enjoying my last couple months of 8 or more straight hours of sleep, a shower first thing in the morning and going out to eat at a moments notice! I hear those days are almost over!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


We love visitors! Two weekends ago my parents came down for a last minute trip. We were supposed to go up there but we weren't sure how the weather would be by the time we got up there late Friday so I convinced them to drive down since they both had the day off. My mom and I did a lot of baby stuff and organizing. Got rid of 3 bags and a box of stuff to Goodwill and bought a few baby items. Count on my mom to get me some good deals! We also enjoyed eating out since I didn't have time to plan for meals. The boys always like that!

Then last weekend, my good friend KK and her husband came down. Unfortunately hubby had to work most of the weekend but they were so flexible and understanding. It seems like everything turns into a competition! KK killed me at the driving range, we split bowling games and Devon killed us both at Yahtzee! My hubby was the overall winner in bowling both games but Devon won at golf! Unfortunately both our basketball teams lost this weekend.

We also enjoyed the beautiful weather and enjoyed hearing about each other's pregnancy. So exciting that our kids will only be a couple months apart!

On my pregnancy front, I haven't updated weekly like I thought because there hasn't been much to say. But last night the proud dad felt little boy move for the first time. He must really like Chick-fil-A because he was kicking harder than he ever had so I made hubby put his hand on my belly and he felt it! It was very exciting for us!

Check back Saturday morning for the big news we get on Friday night!!