Monday, September 29, 2014

Pink Flag

A couple weekends ago I was able to get away with the girls for a pink flag weekend in Morehead City, NC. When the guys go to training exercises its normally called Red or Green Flag so that's where the name comes from. We were able to raise enough money to pay for the house and some food so that was really nice. 

Our Group

Even though it was a cloudy day we all brought our books and headed to the beach.

With my friend, Brooke.

Also with the money we raised we made favors!

Out to dinner at a nice tapas restaurant. 
It was a nice getaway for me and Brad did great with all the boys. I was only able to go because Brad's training with United got delayed. I still like being a part of the squadron here even with Brad just being part time.

Tuesday, September 02, 2014


For those that don't know Brad started with United Airlines in late July. He has his initial 2 week training then had a 2 week break because the simulator for the plane he got was backed up. He went back last Sunday for 5 weeks for the simulator training. I was planning on going out to visit him over Labor Day. I got a text on Wednesday afternoon that he was coming home...turns out his sim insturctor got sick and they didn't have any replacements. So he is home for a couple weeks before going back and trying again. Well since my parents were planning on watching the kids anyway we decided to take advantage of the perks of the new job and flew to Chicago for a night. I had never been and it was nice to get more an idea of Brad's new job (for example I am now getting quizzed on the different planes that United flies). I had mastered the air force ones a while ago and thought I was done!

Had to try deep dish pizza!
We are not of the selfie generation - this is the best we could get!
We waited forever to go up to the Willis (Sears) Tower but the views were worth it.
Brad's new company :)

Had to send back some pictures of the "L" for our train loving boys.

Looking down from the Sears Tower.

Another attempt at a selfie.

Also, for those that are curious....we are staying put in NC for the time being. Brad will still fly Strike Eagles in the reserve unit at the base. It's really nice on breaks like this that Brad can get orders to fly here. Brad will commute up to Newark to fly for United. We really like our community and are pretty settled so it was an easy decision for us.

Monday, September 01, 2014

Micah Man is 1

Micah turned one on the 28th. Brad was supposed to be away training that week so we decided to do his cupcake smash on the Saturday before when we had some friends over. Poor 4th child...I feel really bad when I compare this to Chase's first birthday party. Micah is pulling himself up on everything and loves crawling over legs, Wagner, etc. He transitioned great to milk and is a good eater. He is still pretty easy going but can make himself be heard if he needs to. He has 4 teeth and when he smiles I just love his round cheeks. Everyone things he looks the most like me. Maybe just because Chase and Gavin look so much like Brad. We love you Micah!

Warning: there are a lot of pictures. I couldn't narrow it down.

He wasn't sure at first but he warmed up quickly.

The first taste.

Now double fisting it. 

With mom and dad.

Big brother wanted to be in a picture too. 

Going to wash off!

We found a little people train at a yard sale that morning so that's what we wrapped up and gave to him.

Everyone was interested in the gift.

Brad was trying to keep the peace and kept reminding everyone that it was Gavin's new gift and he gets to play with it.  Only he meant Micah. (We get the boys name's mixed up all the time.)

When I corrected Brad he just laid back and said he gave up! I'm still laughing about it a week later.

I hardly get any pictures with this guy so I had to take advantage!