For those that don't know Brad started with United Airlines in late July. He has his initial 2 week training then had a 2 week break because the simulator for the plane he got was backed up. He went back last Sunday for 5 weeks for the simulator training. I was planning on going out to visit him over Labor Day. I got a text on Wednesday afternoon that he was coming home...turns out his sim insturctor got sick and they didn't have any replacements. So he is home for a couple weeks before going back and trying again. Well since my parents were planning on watching the kids anyway we decided to take advantage of the perks of the new job and flew to Chicago for a night. I had never been and it was nice to get more an idea of Brad's new job (for example I am now getting quizzed on the different planes that United flies). I had mastered the air force ones a while ago and thought I was done!
Had to try deep dish pizza! |
We are not of the selfie generation - this is the best we could get! |
We waited forever to go up to the Willis (Sears) Tower but the views were worth it. |
Brad's new company :) |
Had to send back some pictures of the "L" for our train loving boys. |
Looking down from the Sears Tower. |
Another attempt at a selfie. |
Also, for those that are curious....we are staying put in NC for the time being. Brad will still fly Strike Eagles in the reserve unit at the base. It's really nice on breaks like this that Brad can get orders to fly here. Brad will commute up to Newark to fly for United. We really like our community and are pretty settled so it was an easy decision for us.