Chase was a sea otter for this past weekends events. We didn't do trick or treating but went to a fun party on Saturday afternoon. Well it would be fun if Chase would do anything. Don't think he liked his costume. He wouldn't even walk at first.
Look at that patethic face!
We got some popcorn and he let Brad put him down.
He liked checking out the bird.
With his cow friend, Norah. This is the closest they would get to each other.
We also enjoyed bowling with church friends and then hitting an adult halloween party. Didn't get many pictures there but if you are a friend on facebook you have probably seen us tagged in a couple. Chase made a quick appearance before he went to bed.
I forgot to turn on our light until later last night so we didn't get many trick or treaters in our village. It is not as big of an event here in England.