Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

So going to the pumpkin patch was more for us than Chase but oh well! The way time is flying he will be picking out his own pumpkin before we know it! We took advantage of the couple photo opportunities and got a pumpkin. Still not sure to expect here with Trick or Treaters but we will be ready!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Baby Pictures

I finally got around to scanning a few of our baby pictures! So what is the verdict? I definitely see a little bit of both of us in Chase.
Are there shoulder pads under that sweater?

Don't you love the old school "exersaucer."

Brad is on the left.

I couldn't get a good picture of Chase to compare but here a few recent pics...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


After 3 months I finally was ready to start traveling with the little man. So for the three day weekend we headed to Wales with our good friends. Chase did great in the car and was pretty good on all our adventures. The first day there we just walked around the countryside where we were staying. There were sheep everywhere! All the hills were just dotted with white spots.
We stopped to eat lunch at a local cafe to have enough energy to climb up the towers at the castle. It was a great view from the towers of the coast and village.
Driving around was so fun. We had to stop when we saw scenery like this to take a picture!
The boys after a busy day. I know William wishes Chase could play more - maybe for the next trip!

On Monday before the drive home we went to Swallow Falls.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

3 Months

Chase is now three months! I don't have a way to measure and weigh him but his 3-6 month clothes are a little big and 0-3 month a little small so I am guessing he is pretty average!

We have been enjoying daddy home for a few days. It was really nice yesterday so we went on our first family run!
Can you tell you just got back from almost 100 degree weather and thinks its freezing here? We have had a fire every night, been drinking hot chocolate and wearing mittens in the house!

Sunday, October 05, 2008


Daddy returned late Friday night from a long business trip. We are so happy to have him back!

"Mommy, what I am still doing up?"

It was worth the late night!

"Who is this guy again?"

"That's right - you're my daddy!!"

Friday, October 03, 2008

Baby Blessings

When we pray with Chase at night we always pray for his friends who are still in their mommies tummies. Since September 23 there have been 6 healthy babies born that we have been praying for! Welcome Owen, Korey, June, Tyler, Coletrain and Dawson! We still continue to pray for BGD, McKenna, Eve, BBB, Elizabeth, BGS, BGH and Ellie (and I am sure I've missed some!). Praise the Lord for all these little blessings!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Steph's Visit

My good friend from K-State just finished getting her masters in London so I convinced her to come up and hang out this past weekend. It was sooo much fun to hang out and catch up. It was nice to have a little bit of help with Chase too! On Saturday we went out to eat and had tea (even though it was pretty warm) and walked around the market and gardens.

On Sunday we had fun watching football - I helped her cheer on the Chiefs and she helped me cheer on the Redskins and both won!! I haven't found too many girls since college that will sit and watch 5+ hours of football with me - it was awesome!! Thanks so much for coming up Steph!