Friday, February 22, 2008

Kansas Trip

Even though our trip was short it was so nice to see family. We played a lot of games, watched the K-state basketball game, tried to get them to watch the Daytona 500 and enjoyed just hanging out!

The kiddos grow up too fast! Addi was walking all over and Lucas has only one more year till a teenager! We got to celebrate his 12th birthday with him a little early.
Brayden is the game player. We played "Money, Money" and "Sorry" more times than you can count! Here they are playing Are you Smarter than a 5th grader? It was funny seeing the older brothers be so competitive!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Week 22 Update Baby Shower!

We had a quick trip out to Kansas for Presidents Day weekend. It was wonderful seeing family and fun to hang out even though it went too fast! On Sunday afternoon they threw us a couples shower for family and a few friends. It was such a nice time.

The cute 3-D Teddy Bear cake didn't make it home in one piece. So there was a quick trip to the store to pick up another one. It still tasted good though!

I specifically requested a few K-State things from my brother who made drive down for the shower. Thanks so much for coming! We also got several homemade blankets, outfits scrapbooking stuff and books! Everyone was so gernerous! Our attempt at non-professional family picture.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Week 21 Update By Wagner

Mom's been posting a lot lately but she is busy at work and getting ready to go to Kansas for the weekend. They still don't have anyone to watch me - I am a fun loving dog -any takers!

Anyways, I figured I would fill you in on the strange things going on here. First of all mom is getting big! It doesn't make sense either because she is still working out a lot. We go running a couple times and week and she also goes to the gym and the pool. Her stomach also smells like chocolate sometimes (cocoa butter lotion). That's why I sniff it a lot. She also has been having issues with clothes too. Sometimes in the morning she will try on several different outfits before she is happy. She will head off to work with clothes everywhere!

Mom has also been bringing home some stuff lately. She keeps on bringing these little clothes home that have all these different smells (used clothes). And last week she brought this black looking contraption home (stroller frame). I have no idea what it is used for!

They try to tell me a little boy is on the way and I think I might of got a glimpse of how that will affect me. They watched a friends kid for an hour the other night. He played this game where he threw all his food on the floor for me to eat. It was a lot of fun! But then he thought I would eat everything so he kept trying to put stuff in my mouth. I know I am a dog but I have my limits. I would not eat the phone!

But mom and dad seem excited even with all these changes - so I guess I am excited too!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ski Trip

Dad organized a trip to the mountains for his class to go skiing. We rented 2 cabins and drove up late Friday night and drove back on Sunday. Mom didn't go skiing but hung out with another preggo girl. They had a lot of fun shopping, eating, baby talking, etc.

It is definitely not like Colorado skiing. A lot of the snow is made. Mom didn't even see snow until they drove up to the top of the mountain. But it was still beautiful!

Eating pizza after a tiring day. It was several of the guy's first time skiing!

The girls hanging out at night!
Everyone chilling in the cabin at night rehashing stories of the day. It was good for the guys to do something different then flying - they actually didn't talk much about flying!
Eating breakfast the next morning before the drive back.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Superbowl Party!

Superbowl is always a sad day because it means the end of football for a long time. Especially if we go overseas!! When the class was trying to decide who to have the superbowl party they went with the biggest TV. Well that belonged to the guy from England who knows very little about football! He invited all his British and Aussie friends and it was funny trying to hear them explain the sport to each other. He did a great job hosting the party though, he went online and bought all kinds of superbowl accessorries and had tons of food! He had posters up for both teams and everything! The dollar is weak right now so he can afford it!
His TV was definitely the biggest!
Drew impressed the crowd with his touchdown and incomplete signs. He is about to get his airplane ride he gets everytime he sees us!

Helping Drew pick a square for money. He is going to have a little brother or sister late summer that will be friends with our little one (we are hoping to get the same assignment.)

Friday, February 01, 2008

Week 19 Update: IT'S A...


We had our appointment yesterday and here he is! Totally went against my gut feeling but we are so excited!! At first he was being modest and had his legs crossed but after taking a couple head measurements he wasn't so shy. They said that everything looks healthy so we are so grateful. I could see the baby move but I still haven't felt it yet. I was hoping I would feel the baby move when we were celebrating K-State's victory over KU Wednesday night, and I could say we already have a K-State fan on our hands. I guess we still have a lot of time to influence him! Between the game and this - you can't wipe the smile off my face!