Tuesday, February 04, 2014


We had 3 inches of snow last Wednesday and it shut down the town! Chase had 4 days off school. They got off Tuesday because they predicted it to start pretty early in the day. Nope. It started around 7pm that night. AH! I was hoping Friday would be a two hour delay but they just decided to scrap the whole week I guess. At least Brad had a snow day and several short days!

Playing around in the snow. It took a lot of work to get everyone ready and they all wore snow stuff that was too small but it worked.

The scene before going to bed on Tuesday night.

We had friends over on Tuesday and we actually got to play 3 rounds of cards. That's pretty impressive with 7 kids 5 and under! The 2 babies were sleeping. The 4 older ones were watching a movie and Gavin just kinda wondered around. There were lots of interruptions but it was still fun! We had other neighbors over on Thursday and played cards again after the kids went to bed!

He doesn't look happy in this picture but he did enjoy it!

We used the boogie board to sled down the front yard hill. It worked pretty well. Brad also took the two older ones to an overpass and went sledding there too.

Some indoor fun - painting. An activity I will only do if Brad is home to help!


Grandpop and Grandmom said...

We love updated blogs. Thank you!!!

Grandpa and Grandma said...

What a snow! Fun fun memories for them! Love all the pictures.