Monday, November 25, 2013

8 boys!

The Watson family has been staying with us for a week before they head off to their next assignment. Saying goodbye tomorrow is going to be sooo hard. They have been great friends the last 2 1/2 years since we moved to Goldsboro. Love you guys! 

The lack of posting is due to there being 4 adults, 2 dogs and 8 boys 5 & under (including 2 nursing newborns :) in the house for the past week. It's been great!!

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Pumpkin Festival

Chase's school had a pumpkin festival yesterday. Brad was night flying and siblings were welcome so we made a family event out of it. I even brought the camera determined to take pictures!

Friday, November 01, 2013

Micah is 2 months!

Micah is 2 months. It is going so fast! He is becoming a great baby. He is sleeping and eating well and has less and less fussy times. If I could just keep his big brothers from attacking him all the time! He is smiling more and more and has even laughed a few times. Such a sweet sound! At his doctor's visit he weighed 14 lbs 2 oz (94%) and was 24 1/4 inches long (89%). When he wore this outfit the other day it reminded me of a picture of Chase in the same outfit laying on Wagner.



 A few more of my cutie at 2 months. The monthly photo shoots are pretty much non-existent but I did get the camera out the other day.

Jacob was awake while I was taking pictures and wanted me to take one of him.