Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Micah is 3 weeks!

 If you saw the number of pictures I had of Chase at 3 weeks vs the number of Micah it would be embarrassing. Here are a few quick ones I got the other day. Most people who meet him are surprised at his dark hair. They are used to seeing us with blondies :) At his 2 week appt he weighed 10 lbs 2 oz. He is eating and sleeping really well. Several nights he has only woken up once. Why am I still so tired then?! I definitely hold him a little longer knowing he is my last baby. I've already gotten rid of most of my maternity clothes and newborn clothes as soon as he outgrows them. This little man completes our family perfectly!

Sunday, September 08, 2013

First Week of Kindergarten

Chase had a good first week of Kindergarten. Here he is on his first day of school. Its been so nice having Brad home in the morning to take him to school. On the first day we were trying to figure out what to pack for a snack since he wouldn't get home to eat lunch till almost 1pm. Brad suggested a granola bar but I told him that the school is peanut free. The next day when picking Chase up he told me he wasn't allowed to eat his brown granola bar because Jackson could get sick. Right away I knew Brad forgot what I told him the day before and he packed a peanut butter granola bar! I was so embarrassed. Especially since we had been at the school the year before and should know the rules! When Brad talked to the teacher the next day she said Chase had a hard time understanding why Jackson would get sick when Chase was the one eating it! 

Chase and his teacher Ms. Reiss. Her husband is Brad's boss in the squadron. Hope we stay in the family's good graces :)

Friday, September 06, 2013

Micah's Birth Story

I need to record the birth story before my mommy brain forgets everything! Like I expected I went past my due date with little man #4. I think he was scared to join the craziness! After my experience with Gavin I wasn't going 2 weeks past my due date again and the doctors agreed with the high fluid and other issues I had during the pregnancy. The doctor I wanted to induce me was on call the 28th so that's what we went with. Gavin's induction was pretty quick and smooth so I had expectations of the same. It didn't quite go as planned.

I got to the hospital right at 7am and got up to our room to get started. I think they started pitocin around 8:45am and the waiting game began. I wasn't feeling anything for hours. Eventually I could tell when I was having a contraction but I barely had to breathe through them. Time seemed to be ticking away pretty fast. The doctor checked me around 2pm and I was 4cm. He told me I should go ahead and get the epidural if I wanted it. I think his reasoning was I progressed so quick with Gavin that I could miss my opportunity this time around. I am all about the epidural but I had a hard time getting it when I wasn't feeling anything. So we waited. Contractions were consistent over the next couple hours but still not very strong. That is the hard part about being induced. I had to stay hooked up to all the monitors. I couldn't walk around, it was hard going to the bathroom, etc. We were hoping Brad would be home by bedtime to have the boys back at our house but we started making plans around this time to have the boys spend another night at friend's houses. Around 5pm, I actually had to start breathing through the contractions so I went ahead and agreed to get the epidural. Of course the last 2 labors it took 2 hours to get it and I was really in pain and this time the doctor was in the room in about 10 minutes. It was hard getting it knowing it wasn't going to relieve immediate pain. I actually felt worse after - I got a headache and I had a pain in my side I couldn't get rid of since I couldn't move around. This made me very emotional. I was crying and they kept telling me to calm down because my heart rate was going up. The nurse gave me phenergan to help with the nausea and that knocked me out. The nurse came in a little before 8pm and said that the baby was starting to have sharp decreases in the heart rate. They wanted me to move around in case the baby was on the cord. After a couple times of rotating back and forth I noticed that everyone was starting to get ready for me to push. I was wondering what was going on since I didn't feel like I needed to push. I guess the amniotic sac was coming out of me when they were moving me so the doctor broke the water and they knew he was coming. I was checked at 8:10pm and was 10 cm. They wanted me to push during the next contraction..I did and there he was! The doctor did have to take cord off the neck before I pushed the rest of his body out. I was so glad I had the epidural because the placenta took a while to come out. He was massaging my stomach pretty hard and pulling the cord trying to get it out. Glad I didn't feel that. I am not complaining now that everything took so long because I didn't tear which is a huge blessing.

I was still really out of it after the birth. I held him right away because I felt like I should but I was grateful when the nurses took him to clean him up. I was right on my guess of 9 lbs. He is another long one coming in at 22.5 inches. We both liked the name Micah. I wanted another 5 letter name with a different initial than the other boys. We also decided that since we had 2 non-biblical names (Chase & Gavin) that we should go with a biblical name to even it out (Jacob). Charles in my grandad's names and also my youngest brother's middle name (his daughter's middle name is Janelle). I lived with my grandparents for a year before going to K-State. They made it possible to attend there and meet Brad, etc. :)

You can't tell here but he came out with a head full of dark hair. I could tell from the ultrasounds that he had a lot of hair but was surprised how dark it was!