I've almost survived my first full week alone with the boys. I was on my own last week as well but Monday was a holiday. It can definitely get a little busy around here! The evening time especially when everyone is hungry! Its hard having 3 kids who can't really do anything on their own. Here are the pictures of all our help over the first 6 weeks.
Brad's parents drove out from Kansas to be with us for 10 days. Brad took one day of leave and everyone (but Micah and I) enjoyed a trip to Durham that included a train ride. Always a hit with our boys.
My mom came down for a week right after Brad went back to work.
My cousin Molly came down for 2 days and gave me the best birthday gift - help with boys :)
I begged my dad to come down on his three day weekend while Brad was on a work trip and then football game in Tennessee.
We couldn't not have done it without all of you! Thank you!! By the way the title of this post can be a double meaning. It is also my cry for help - anyone else want to visit?!