We took a couple days and headed to Williamsburg as a family. We wanted to take advantage of the free tickets to Busch Gardens for military. We had a great time but it was tiring. Having all 4 of us in one hotel room is not ideal. I don't realize how much noise Jacob makes at night until I worry it will wake up Chase.
After we got there and went swimming we headed to downtown Williamsburg. Chase loved all the horses.
He's never really been a stuffed animal person to recently. He loves his puppy.
We also walked around William and Mary and found the Kappa house. My grandma, great aunt and aunt were all Kappas here.
We spent the next day at Busch Gardens. Chase's favorite thing was the train. (His least favorite thing is getting his picture taken).
Daddy got to ride several roller coasters. The weather was great and there were hardly any lines so a perfect day to go.
Chase wanted to do several of the rides by himself.
At the hotel pool, Jacob got to go swimming for the first time. I think he enjoyed it but it was pretty chilly so we didn't let him stay in long.
The next day we headed to Jamestown but we didn't want to pay to do anything. With the mood the boys were in we knew we wouldn't last long. Instead we headed to Ft. Eustis (where Brad spent some time when he was enlisted in the Army) to see the *free* US Army transportation museum. Chase enjoyed seeing all the helicopters and trucks.
But of course his favorite was the trains. The train yard was closed so this is the closest we could get.
We had a great time as a family but like I said it was tiring! I slept a lot of the way home and I think Chase watched 4 straight hours of Mickey Mouse. We got back last night in time to see KSU's win over TTU. I was going to be mad if I stayed up to watch it and they end up losing. Go Cats!