We made it here to the US of A!! It is so nice to be back to the land of wide roads and lots of fast food :) We are still adjusting to the time change as Chase has been getting up early the past few days. I plan on getting up with him tomorrow to watch the Royal Wedding so watch tomorrow he sleep in super late! I really wanted to take some pictures of us getting through the airport but all our hands were busy. Chase did pretty well on the flight it is just a long time to entertain a 2 1/2 year old!
Anyways, here are a couple pictures from Brad's last flight in England. A lot of people from his squadron were gone and he is going to fly the same jet here but it was still fun. Chase of course loved seeing daddy's airplane. At first I had to bribe him to wear his flight suit but then when he saw daddy he didn't want to take it off the rest of the day.
We had to walk a little ways out to meet the jet so thankfully Bow could carry him. He was supposed to be in the flight but only 1 of the 2 jets took off. By the way all these pictures but the last are taken by the very talented S. Russell Photography (Bow's wife). Thanks so much Shanna!
Watching daddy taxi in. Please remember I am 8 months pregnant in these pictures. There are no really good pictures of my belly so I feel like I just look chunky around the middle!
Giving a wave!
Spraying him with water - part of the tradition.
Sorry for the rear end shot. Wanted to show a picture of us spraying daddy.
Love this family picture. Not sure if I like color or black and white better so I'm posting both. I have to hem the legs of Chase's flightsuit up so whenever we hold Chase it looks like he has shorts. Oh well.
And a picture of him out flying his jet over the countryside. He had to coordinate this with a guys who sits at a particular spot and get these pictures. Pretty cool if I do say so myself.