Couple of random Chase thoughts are going through my mind so I thought I would write them down - more for my sake so I will remember. Talking to other moms I realize how quickly you can forget some of the milestones and little things. First of all I love mornings. Even though I am so tired I just get to hang out with my boys (Chase & Wagner). Chase is almost always in a good mood so we just play on the floor. I love how C & W are becoming good buds too!
I love his little legs. Even though he was born in the summer I never just got to have him in a diaper or onsie since it is so cold here. All his pjs were getting washed the other day so he was in a layette and it always bunches up so I got to play with his little chubby legs.
Hubby asked me the other day if he poops anymore. I think that is a sign he is working too much and not changing enough diapers!
I hate clipping fingernails. I have already clipped the tip of his finger and that was terrible. I felt like the worst mom ever! He is so squirmy and I am so worried I will do it again. So his fingernails can get pretty long!
He has rolled over. We kinda quit doing tummy time for a while since I figured he was getting a good neck workout in the bumbo. But I put him on his tummy yesterday morning and I looked down to see him on his back. I tried to get him to do it again - dangling toys and stuff but he wouldn't. Since I didn't actually see it I didn't want to say for sure. But this morning when I first put him on his stomach he was moving a lot and I saw him do it! Yeah Chase. Of course I tried to get him to do it again but no luck. I think he only does it first thing before he gets too tired!
He's getting close!
I love introducing Chase to new things. Wednesday was Guy Fawkes day here so I went over to my neighbors for some fireworks. It was too wet for a bonfire. He loved looking at the different lights and didn't cry at all with the noise. Here we are with a sparkler. There are more fireworks on Saturday night that dad gets to take him to so we will see how he does.