Just got back from a wonderful trip to MD for Christmas. Have some pictures to post but first want to post some pictures from our news. Our first child should be arriving June 27, 2008! Mom and dad are excited and I am really not sure what to think. Here is the sonogram picture from mom's first appointment, right before Thanksgiving. We told our immediate families over Thanksgiving and have kept the secret until mom's second appointment right before Christmas. We've had so much fun telling friends and family. Thanks for sharing in our joy!

Mom was getting suspicious and told dad but he just thought she was getting used to being off birth control. Well mom wasn't convinced so she ran to K-mart after work one day. Of course all the pregnancy tests are locked up and when she went to get assistance the sales person seemed intent on letting everyone know that mom needed one. Well after getting home mom confirmed her
suspsicions and used me to tell dad. He was a little shocked but excited. We took the second test to confirm a couple days later and sure enough same result.

Mom is determined to have a healthy pregnancy and dad agrees (you can tell by all the running gear mom got for Christmas). So far so good, mom is 14 weeks now and still hasn't had to rubber band any pants and back at work today no one commented on how she must have eaten a lot over the break! I will try to post updates every Thursday as that is when the weeks change over.
7 Weeks
13 Weeks (maybe a little bigger)