Thursday, July 26, 2007

Tiana Janelle

Mom finally gets to meet her neice tomorrow. She's off to Maryland tonight!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Visiting Albuquerque

Mom's last stop on her road trip was visiting a college friend in Albuquerque. They went out to dinner, went shopping, talked and took a tram up the moutain and went on a hike. Good times!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Happy 4 years!

Dad was so gracious to let mom be gone over their anniversary. He still made it special by sending her 4 beautiful roses while she was away and calling her first thing that morning. He is a great husband! I think this weekend they are going to try to get away for a date!

Playing with the kiddos

Mom had a wonderful time staying with in-laws for a few days and getting to know them better. We went to the pool - Brayden had no fear of the diving board or anything for that matter.

Mom got to hold and feed Addi a lot - here she is wearing the outfit we gave her for Christmas last year. So cute!

Mom also got to watch Lucas play baseball! Here he is up at bat.

Passing through Greensburg

The highway finally opened up so mom could drive through Greensburg, KS where the tornado hit on May 4. Mom passed through on her way to Albuquerque. The town was almost completely destroyed so she had to take pictures as she passed through. There was still Red Cross tents set up and there was a lot of debris to remove and work to do.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Here we go again...

Yep, the check engine light came on and mom had to get towed again! Two dealerships later the car still is not fixed. It was very frusterating but the car got mom home safe and that is the important thing!
Mom was still able to see her brother, it was just a little shorter than originally planned. She even got to play softball on his coed softball team. They got to go to the batting cages before the game since her brother works there. Mom also got to see his lab. It was a very fun trip, just too fast!

10 Year Reunion!

Mom and Dad headed up to Kansas for dad's 10 year reunion. Yeah he is old! Dad could just get away for the weekend but mom decided to make it a week long trip. So here is the beginning of a few posts. Dad has changed a lot since high school I wish I had a picture of then and now but here is just a now picture...

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Fourth of July Fun

Like most Americans yesterday we headed over to friends house for a BBQ and fireworks. Our friends rent property on the lake and have a beautiful view. Here is heading down to the pool.
The gang hanging out. Everyone here will be gone within 2 months. We have had a lot of fun over the past couple years!

Tried to get a picture of the view of the lake over the pool.
Friends were doing a flyby for downtown so we made sure they swung by the house so we could see them. This is after the flyby so they are not in a tight formation. They said it took a while but they found us waving to them!

Enjoying the sunset.

Of course, the best part was lighting fireworks.

We tried using the fireworks mode on our new camera. All these were the fireworks that were bought at the local stands.

Sunday, July 01, 2007


Mom is playing softball again this year. There are several more military wives on the team this year so it is a lot more fun! There are 5 womens team in town and the season runs from about beginning of May till September.
On Deck...
Up to bat...
Foul ball! I think mom eventually got on base!
Mom with a couple of teammates, one of these games hopefully we can get a team picture.