Saturday, April 13, 2013


We just had a wonderful visit with our friends, the Kauflins. Brad even took a day off work and we all headed up to Raleigh to Marbles Kids Museum. All the kids had so much fun. Here are a few pictures from our day...

I wanted to make sure to get some pictures of Gavin. I feel like in these situations he just sits in the stroller and gets forgotten. There were actually several areas for him to play in.

I have a feeling I will be taking lots of pictures of these 2. I know I've said it before but the age gap is closing so quickly!

Chase found the train table and was happy for quite a while.

Uh-oh, Korey got hurt.

Here comes Jacob to the rescue!

Kyleigh would be a great nurse, just like her mommy!

Jacob and daddy building blocks. I was over with Gavin when I notice Jacob walking around. I look over and Brad is still playing blocks and didn't realize that Jacob left. It was probably just a minute or two but I thought it was pretty funny.

Chase in the pirate ship.

Playing Hockey

 Jacob and Knox playing basketball.

 I am so glad we made the drive up to go to the museum. I wish it was just a little closer and we would go all the time! Thanks Kauflins for making the drive to come see us! Hopefully we can visit them in Kentucky before too long.


Anonymous said...

Fun to see the museum through the Caywood and Kauflin family. I could easily picture Brad still engaged in building blocks:) That is a fun dad for you!! Grandpop and I want to go now.

Grandpa and Grandma said...

Ah, legos and building blocks - never enough time for either of those! Sounds like an awesome museum, with something for everyone! Sure did enjoy the pics!