Friday, April 27, 2012

Jacob is 10 Months!

I've been meaning to do this post for weeks now. I didn't even get a 10 month sign in the picture but that might never happen. He seemed like such a little boy today with his t-shirt and jeans so I figured I better snap a few pics. He is pulling up on stuff quite a bit but doesn't like taking steps. I tried to walk with him behind a toy but he didn't seem too interested and it was pretty challenging for me to do with my belly so we gave up. He has 6 teeth now with 2 others just poking through. I am hoping that accounts for some of the times he wakes up at night.

Now that Jacob is mobile, it is as hard as I thought dealing with Chase sharing with Jacob. Chase likes to be in complete control over what Jacob touches and can flip out if Jacob even looks towards his toys. If I had a dollar for every time I hear "MOMMY get Jacob!" I would be rich. 

His stats at his 9 month appointment (that we went to the day he turned 10 months) was 22 lbs 10.5 oz. (70%) and 30 inches (85%).

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Feeling Appreciated

Last Friday morning there was an Ops Group Spouse Appreciation Brunch on the runway. It was nice of the guys to want to do something to show they appreciate us but you could tell it was organized by men. There was no bathroom even close to where they set up, no water (but plenty of alcohol!) and only about half the tables and chairs they needed. But I thought the food was good - it was catered :) 

A picture of some of the ladies in our squadron!

It was nice change of pace getting to spend a Friday morning with my love!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


For Easter we went to church then over to a friends house for lunch. At our church we had Good Friday service on Friday night which was great to set the stage for Easter Sunday. One thing we appreciate about our church is how gospel-centered they strive to be. We definitely don't just talk about the Cross and Christ's victory over sin once or twice a year. I feel like because of that I didn't do a good job of working with Chase to understand Easter. Hopefully he is seeing us live it out all through the year. 

Here are the kids before the egg hunt. It was funny, when my friend Emily and I were trying to decide what to put in the eggs I told her it didn't matter. That kids just like collecting the eggs and couldn't care less what's inside. Well her boys were complete opposite of Chase - after every egg they would open it up and examine the contents. I was trying to get them to collect eggs now and look later. Its funny how different personalities are already coming out in the kids.

I wanted a picture of Jacob and his buddy James. James is 2 months younger.

We added Canaan to the picture but he wasn't too happy about it. 

An attempt at a family picture.

Wee Wings Easter Egg Hunt

Instead of school the last day before Easter all of the Wee Wings classes got together at the park for food and an Easter Egg hunt. I just donated 12 eggs but somehow we ended up with about 30. We kept asking if anyone needed eggs but everyone seemed to have that many. We got home and opened all the candy and Chase asked for a piece then pretty much forgot about it. It was the same with Halloween and Valentines Day. I'm glad he is not bugging me every day for candy!

Chase and his buddy Bruce and Ashley. Chase and Bruce also see each other at Mom's Morning Out one day a week and at squadron functions as their daddies work together. 

 With Alex and Derek. They lived 3 houses down and their mom, Erin, kept my sanity the past 2 months by taking Chase to school and even sometimes bringing him home from AWANA's when Brad was flying late and Jacob was already in bed. They just left for California and we miss them already!

By the way I am posting this quickly because I feel a little silly about my last post. Even a couple hours removed it doesn't seem like a big deal. I guess since I dealt with everything while on the toilet made it a little funny in my mind!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


It's only 10:30am and its already been quite the day. I have a ton of other stuff to be doing but I want to record days like these because I know I will miss them. I will miss them when they are all at school in a few short years, or all want or go out on Saturday nights with friends or I am waiting on my weekly phone call from my boys once they are away from home. 

A little background, Chase's (free) school on the bus is 10:15 to 11:45. It was nice when Jacob was younger but the last few months that is right when his morning nap is. My friend, Erin, who lives a few houses down also sends her son there so for the last 2 1/2 months she's been taking Chase so I put Jacob down around 9:30. Well, she just moved so for the last 5 weeks of school I am on my own! I've been trying to push Jacob's nap and I figured if we went to the grocery store right when it opens that will keep him awake. So we I am getting Jacob dressed and Chase is dressing (who likes to dress himself by the way - very interesting) when I have to go to the bathroom right away (I still think I am adjusting to having my gall bladder out). Normally the boys are okay in their rooms so I run to the bathroom only to hear screaming a few minutes later. Its the scream where you can tell that someone is hurt. So I run to the room (not done having to go to the bathroom by the way) and I see Jacob with blood all over his face even in his eyes. I pick him up and take him back to the bathroom with me. I tried to get all the blood off with toilet paper but its all over me and him (yes I am finishing going to the bathroom - sorry for too much TMI). Chase eventually tells me that he hit him with a fire truck. I tell him to go to his room and I will deal with him later. It took about 1/2 hour to finish what I was doing - clean Jacob up, take off all the bloody clothes and soak them, then work with Chase. I wanted to explain that even though he was getting disciplined for hurting his brother it was good that he told the truth about what happened. Not sure if he got it or not. 

This picture doesn't quite do it justice. It was a puncture wound and bled for over an hour. I had to keep changing out the band-aid. I still manage to make it to the store to get groceries (Chase even knocked over some baby food that broke in the aisle and got all over me - awesome!) and got Chase dropped off to school in time. I hustled back so Jacob could get the longest nap possible and he was playing/standing up in his crib for the first half hour. I know I am going to have to wake him up in just over an hour so it was stressing me that he won't fall asleep. He has 4 teeth breaking through and loves his new trick of standing up so sleeping has not been the best. He finally got to sleep a few minutes ago and I should be unloading groceries, unloading dishwasher, cleaning up from breakfast, switching out laundry, making our bed, etc. but I am just sitting here and it feels really good!

I know this morning is nothing out of the ordinary for all my young mom friends and I can't imagine in just over a month adding a third! But maybe it does explain why I haven't posted about Easter yet or Jacob turning 10 months :) Hoping to get to those soon. 

Meanwhile, here's what Brad did on Monday. I'm sure I have no rights to post this picture but its all over Facebook. 

Here's the caption from the base website...

F-15E Strike Eagles of the 4th Fighter Wing perform an "Elephant Walk" as they taxi down the runway during a Turkey Shoot training mission on Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C., April 16, 2012. The wing generated nearly 70 aircraft to destroy more than 1,000 targets on bombing ranges across the state to commemorate the 4th’s victory over the Luftwaffe on April 16, 1945.

Brad's actually not in the picture- as jet broke so he had to taxi back but he did participate in the Turkey Shoot. 

Also, has anyone seen the list of things fighter pilot wives say that's circling around facebook? They are so funny and true! Brad and I got a kick out of reading them last night!
Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Family Visit

Last weekend my parents, brother and niece were able to come down for a weekend. We were able to get a couple things done around the house to get ready for the baby. We moved the boys a carseat up and got the infant carseat ready for #3. We arranged Chase's room and set up another crib and went through a lot of little boy clothes. The newborn clothes are out of tubs and back in drawers and I have Jacob's clothes moved into Chase's room. 

We did manage to have some fun as well. It was beautiful when they arrived so we headed to park in a nearby city. 

Having fun with Uncle Kevin!

We brought a picnic as well.

It was so nice to have help with Jacob. He is getting harder to carry and now that he is mobile it really wears me out chasing him around.

We did a little Easter egg hunt with the kiddos on Sunday morning. It was the first of 3 for Chase so he was a little slow getting started.

But he picked it up quickly!

Someone is done with army crawling and on all fours!

Thanks for visiting! Probably the next time I see my mom I will be in labor with another little boy on the way...crazy!

Monday, April 09, 2012

Girls night out!

My good friend Julie wanted to throw me a shower for little boy #3. I was uncomfortable with the idea since I just had a shower for Jacob about 10 months ago and I didn't really need anything. I told her I would love friends to celebrate with me but no gifts! So a few friends (and my mom who got in that morning) all went out to a Thai restaurant. It was a very interesting experience but it was fun to be there with friends. I should have know but they all went in to get me an Amazon gift card so we were able to purchase a video monitor. 

They only had one cook that night and it took forever to get our food and we could barely understand the waiter. Emily and Brooke didn't get their meals so we all passed down our leftovers. They were good sports!

They felt bad so we got a free dessert. Not really sure what it was and after passing it around the table several times there was still a lot left. It was a nice thought though!

Thanks girls for celebrating with me!

Sunday, April 08, 2012

The K's came to visit!

Ok, time to start catching up! 2 weeks ago the K's came to visit - Kristine, Korey, Kyliegh and Knox! They were here for 3 nights and it was a crazy house with 4 1/2 kids 3 and under but we had a blast. They came over a weekend so Brad was able to help out a bit too. 

We did a lot of playing at home and in the yard (sprinklers) because between all the naps and loading up the kids it was just easier. But we did venture out to the Tumble Gym during open house. 

3 Little Monkeys!

Brad set up a very user friend train track that they boys enjoyed playing with!

At our picnic at a playground on base. I think it took longer to get the pass then we were actually at the park!

Holding Knox. Don't you love his onsie?!

Already looking forward to our second annual beach trip at the end of the summer! Chase was asking about the beach the whole next week! Thanks so much for coming to visit!

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Need to Catch up!!

I am so far behind blogging that it is overwhelming to think of catching up. We first had a fun visit from Kristine and kids, then my parents, Kevin and Tiana came a few days later and my friends here threw me a girls night out to celebrate the arrival of baby #3 (I insisted on no shower!). I have pictures from everything that I need to post. But here is a picture in the meantime....

I got the boys matching pajamas (thanks Kristine) and they had to get a picture with daddy!