Sunday, May 03, 2009


My mom noticed that I haven't posted any pictures from our time with her family - oops. We headed down to Virginia twice. I think it is interesting that Chase has been in as many countries (UK, USA, France, Germany, Italy) as states (Kansas, Maryland, Virginia, Texas and Missouri). Anyways the first time we went to celebrate my Grandma's birthday and then we went for a cookout over Easter weekend.
Our attempt at a 4 generations picture. My aunt made us wear the hats!

With cousin Molly.

Cousin Valerie

Cousin Courtney teaching Chase about the cell phone. During one conversation that afternoon I was talking about Brad and my courtship and mentioned that after we met but before we started dating we would email each other every few days. Molly said that's like texting these days. We are so old!
With Aunt Darla. I love it when everyone wants to hold and play with Chase. I somehow still end up changing all the diapers though!
Okay this is my last post from the states!

1 comment:

David and Kate said...

I totally understand your comment on how everyone likes to hold/play with your baby but it's still the mommy who changes all the diapers. SO true!!