We bought a car and both passed our driving test. We've slowly but surely been practicing - hubby already seems fine but I am taking my time and only want to practice during non-busy times. I feel like a 16 year old again. We should be able to borrow a car until our truck gets here from the states.
I have a doctor's appointment for Monday. It was a huge answer to prayer to be able to be seen quickly and without much hassle. I am going to sign us up for the next birthing class which is the day after the little guy is due. He seems pretty cozy in there so he might let us attend the class. I would have loved to have my nursery set up and everything by now and it is weird to think our stuff is probably over the Atlantic somehwere! My mom also booked her ticket so her and the dog should be here in about a month. She is going to be such a huge help with a new baby and unpacking!
I wanted to include the dad-to-be in the belly shot and include our sights for the day. It was a beautiful day and we loved walking around.