Dad and mom headed up to Kansas City this past weekend for a friends wedding. It was so nice to get away for a weekend. They stayed with good friends and loved playing with their 1 year old daughter, going to yard sales, going shopping and eating out! Everything you can't do in a small town.
Dad was in charge of the swords. As the bridge and groom get to the last two people they lower their swords and dad said "The right of passage is a kiss" well the bride thought she had to kiss dad. It was so funny! She finally kissed the groom and was welcomed to the air force!
Dad's friend got the garter at our wedding and the bride wore it and that is the one he threw. We thought it would be fun for the tradition to keep going but a young kid we didn't know caught it so it won't be passed on anytime soon!
Dollar dance! Always fun!
Showing off Purple Pride. Some people kept getting them confused (it was dark!) but the guys ended up with the right girl at the end of the night!